Friday, March 30, 2007

Sign of Pregnancy

The symptoms of pregnancy vary from woman to woman. Some experience a variety of symptoms and others experience none of the signs of pregnancy. Missing a period is the most obvious indication, but there are others which you may, or may not, experience
The early signs of pregnancy include:
  • A missed period, or a rather scanty one.
    A missed period is usually one of the first indicators of pregnancy for women. However, some women experience spotting or a light menstrual-like flow, when implantation occurs (about 10 days after conception). The bleeding that occurs when the developing embryo becomes implanted into the uterine wall is lighter and shorter in duration than is menstrual bleeding.

  • Breast Changes (Heaviness and tenderness)
    Many women feel an overall tenderness and heaviness of the breasts. The areola (nipple area) becomes more sensitive, sometimes painfully sensitive, and darkens. The breasts become more full and the veins often become more apparent. These changes begin as early as one week after conception.

  • Nausea and sickness, or changing tastes
    Most pregnant women become sensitive to certain smell and experience nausea, vomiting etc. Some develop an aversion to certain things liked before. The intensity with which women experience morning sickness varies tremendously. This feeling may persist through the first trimester or longer.

  • Increased frequency of urination
    Most women feel like emptying bladder more frequently than usual.

  • Fatigue
    Fatigue and shortness of breath are common early in pregnancy. You may feel exhausted at the day's end, even when you haven't done anything out of the ordinary.

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